If You Want a Real Passive Income Solution, This is For You!!!

  Do I Get a Solid Roi With No Affiliate Sales?  You Bet!

  I Earn Every Day Just From Clicks   

Let Google Pay You to Build Your List!

EASY TRAFFIC - Rapidly build a list on autopilot!

EASY COMMISSIONS - No selling solo ads, no affiliate sales needed 

UNLIMITED - scale up with easy paid traffic, for truly passive income.

GUARANTEE ROI- Easy ROI Get Paid for Clicks!

Unlock This Extremely Profitable List Building Method Online 

Get Instant Access Now! 

Ever Wanted to Make MoneyOnline 

WITHOUT  Taking Crazy Risks? 

Most everyday ‘LIst Building' methods promise fast easy money, HOWEVER...

They ually require huge losses before making back your money from your list later on... 

Or you need to spend MONTHS on product creation, website building, social media networking, video posting … before they can even begin to make money.

Well, There’s A Better Way

 That's Easy, Passive and Delivers 

With this method we sell clicks directly to google in our funnel... 


Today, right now in 2023, from this method, we can EASILY get our hands on what people desperately want: Commissions and Email Leads To profit from list building most people do a funnel for Affiliate Sales, or to get paid for leads. These methods work, and I teach them and use them, but CPL and Affiliate Sales is hit and miss.


You can now profit while building your list and scale up with paid traffic Getting paid from google to while building your list  where the money is if. When we build our list google pays us!

We also get affiliate sales as well, but we don't care, because google is flipping the bill :-) 

This Works Hands Down  

Others Are Getting Amazing Results! 

"I still can’t believe the huge amount of free buyers leads I'm getting, and people are paying me to get them! This is crazy, getting paid by people who build my list for me!"

Anna Rodriguez 

"I just wanted to thank you for giving this secret away... It's a real game changer, I never thought that making money online could be this easy" 

Mark Watson 

NOT your Typical 

‘List Building’

Method …

This Works For ANYONE 

Plenty of traditional Lead Generation methods can still work ...

If you’ve got enough time, a hefty upfront budget, and don’t mind a lot of risk.

But I prefer a RELIABLE and EXACT way to Get Paid For Traffic while generating leads on demand without those hassles …

There’s never been a better time!

This is a Paint-by-numbers method that will have google paying for the traffic that you send into your funnel...

So... you build a FREE LIST... and Get Paid to Do It!

Once set up, it only takes a few minutes each day to keep the dollars rolling in...

Best Part? 

You Don’t Need A Lot of Time and you can scale up

That’s right.

You can start with free traffic, but the idea here is to use paid traffic and make a consistent ROI from clicks.

Once you set up your funnel, all you really need to do each and every day is order more traffic, and send some emails... which takes about 15 minutes to do. 

Just follow the step by step training videos to set up this special funnel.  Once it is set up and tested, you just order traffic and ENJOY REAL PASSIVE INCOME!

You Also Don’t Need: 

Google or Facebook Ads

Any fancy software

A Massive Budget, free traffic is included

To learn fancy tech stuff

No SEO, No Ranking

To wait ages for results

Sensitized Is 

Built For One Thing

Easy Profitable Listbuilding

Just Copy The Proven Process! 

Rinse & repeat blueprint for generating a FREE buyer's list everyday

You can start using completely free tools

Adapts to YOUR schedule & goals: do this part time, full time, ... spend as little as 20 minutes per day

Perfect whether you want a side hustle or job-replacing system

The Possibilities Are Endless 

Imagine the feeling of knowing you can generate an email list in exchange for just minutes of your time

Being able to mail to 1000s… often more… any time

Doing this from your laptop from anywhere … with no hassles, no boss, no money and no risk!

Well we’ve cracked the code to make that our new reality in 2023 ...

And now you can too. 

Hey there, I'm Ryhan

Like most people, I've tried a lot of different ways to make money online.

But most of it’s the same stuff in a different package.

Build a list with solo ads, make products, run affiliate promos, then repeat.

Great - if you’ve got the time & upfront cash.

But what if, you don't get sales?  Then you lost money....  This is unacceptable

What if you could get paid by google while building your list and make guaranteed commissions? And let you do mail to 1000s for FREE anytime, anywhere on your schedule? 

Well nothing like that existed … so I worked it out!

I always wanted a funnel that I could just send traffic to and profit straight away on the front end ...

After years of testing, I've achieved this and it's great.   Now it's your turn to use this method!


100% results-based method

A-Z step-by-step training showing how to duplicate my results

No tech skills and free tools available!

Uses free and paid traffic to profit and scale up!

Turn just minutes into profitable email marketing

Start with free methods only!

This cutting edge system gives newbies exactly what they’ve been waiting for… 

It shows EXACTLY how I'm able to get paid by google while generating 1000's of leads you can too! 

No prior experience, list or learning curve required!

Get Started Now!

Email Marketing Is The Only

“110% ROI Generating Method” 

With my over-the-shoulder video training … ANYONE - even the newest beginner on the scene - can do great with this. The method is completely out of the box … And it’s super super simple to just copy & paste! You’ll see how to get paid from google while building your list with paid traffic or free traffic … And how to mail your list to make even more profits and enjoy a passive income and the laptop lifestyle! 


Even though email marketing with paid traffic is incredibly powerful … If you don’t follow the RIGHT method or try to figure it out for yourself … It can be an expensive, time-consuming nightmare: 

Ryhan, I set up your system around 3pm yesterday, and now 24 hours later I have 105 hot new leads sitting in my account, and I made $200! I can only imagine how many more I would have if I signed up sooner...”

David Johnson 

Just Copy & Paste My Success

Profit from paid traffic! 

So Simple! 

Forget trial & error, risking your own money & time.

I've done all that FOR YOU, to develop this nearly effortless and completely bulletproof method.

Sensitized Includes Everything You Need For Success 

The Sensitized Strategy 

Get started today!

Over-the-shoulder video guides can have you up, running and ready in record time - like many beta testers who get same-day lead generation!

Start First Invest Later 

No need of investing at first…

You can start with free traffic from social media, then reinvest with paid traffic to scale up.

FREE List Building 

You’ll see how to get expensive hungry buyers daily for Free while getting paid by google …

Get paid from clicks so you never need to lose money on solo ad traffic again!

Start With Free Tools 

I will show you free tools you can use to start until you get the traffic and commissions rolling...

You will save thousands with this method alone.

It’s Time for You to Shine with Email Marketing! 

You’ll experience the self-respect of working smart soon…

You will also Enjoy :

  • Giving you freedom to scale your online business…
  • Monetary Confidence & Certainty…
  • and much more inside...

Even More Proof That Leveraged

Works For Anyone

“WOW - I thought the only way to create a list of buyers was to buy solo ads or create a product or use paid ads. You've shown me that it's possible to create a profitable email list WITHOUT spending any money. This is amazing!”

Trey Nguyen 

"I was very unsure on how to get started until I came across Leveraged, To my surprise, I was able to make $150 Before sending any traffic! Will definitely be using this a lot more from now on."

Jay Wallis 

Get A Huge Discount During This Exclusive Launch 

Based purely on results of this “FREE List Building” blueprint …

It would be fair to charge at least $497 per month and that’d still be an amazing deal.

Because where else can you find a FREE List Building system the lets you get paid for clicks by google, where you DON’T need any investment, products, or even your own website?

Sensitized delivers as advertised, with none of the hassles.

And for an extremely short time you can get this groundbreaking system for a tiny one-time cost …

But hurry because the price won’t stay this low for long!

Claim Your Launch Discount While You Can! 

Get Started Now!

Secure 1-time fee, 100% money-back guarantee 

Claim Your Launch Discount While You Can! 

** Hurry! Bonuses Are Time Sensitive & May Be Removed Without Notice **

BONUS 1: High Converting Email Swipes

Get exclusive access to my high converting email swipes! These are the exact email swipes that I use. Just Copy and Paste these emails to your email marketing tool and get the same results as mine. These emails are tested and proven to work every time you mail to your hungry buyers. But Hurry, do not let others to send these mails to their hungry buyers before you, otherwise you have to again create your own mails. Grab these mails Right Now.

BONUS 2: Case Study of Making $2000 Online

This Bonus alone will compensate for all the expense for grabbing a copy of Leveraged. This Case Study will show you step-by-step how to make $2000 online. This Bonus is Exclusive and anyone with this Bonus wiill have an edge over Others on the Make Money Online Lifestyle.

BONUS 3: Multiple Streams Of Income 

Another Power Packed and Exclusive Bonus waiting for you! You See, many people do not know the exact ways to make money and that is the reason they are not making it. Bacause it is quite simple, that if you don't know how to make money then you are not going to make it. And to solve this problem I'm giving you this Bonus.

Still On The Fence?

Let’s Make This Completely Risk-Free 

Here's Our Money Back Guarantee

With everything you’re getting AND the amazing discount, grabbing Sensitized is already an easy decision … but we want to make it even easier on you.

So because we’re so confident that this system works, your purchase is covered by our 100% money back guarantee.

This gives you 30 full days to take this for a test drive. MORE than enough time to have multiple mailings. And see for yourself that this system delivers everything it says it does. See conditionss below.

If you have questions, support is just a click away.

But if for some highly unlikely reason you’re not thrilled, just let us know within 30 days and we’ll refund every penny of your tiny investment.

Now that we’ve removed all the risk, the only way for you to lose is to miss out and have to pay more later ...

Claim Your Launch Discount While You Can! 

Get Started Now!

Secure 1-time fee, 100% money-back guarantee 

This Is Where We’re ‘Supposed’ To Try Even Harder To 'Sell' You. 

But you’ve seen everything already. You’ve seen what this can do. And only you can decide what’s best for you.

If You Want To Duplicate

Results We’re Getting Like These: 

Get Paid For Click While Building Your Email List

Guaranteed Roi From Paid Traffic!

Google Pays You To Build Your List

Then you can get started by hitting that button.

And if not, and you’d prefer to keep looking for something else …

That may or may not deliver 100% as advertised …

Like this does or your money back … we understand and wish you good luck... 

Either way, I wish you all the best

And Thanks For Checking Out This Page 

Ryhan Higgins 

Claim Your Launch Discount While You Can! 

Secure 1-time fee, guarantee


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This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Traffictakeover.net makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business.


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